Starting from July 1, 2024, the former COTA SA Rainbow Hub will operate independently as Rainbow Hub SA. We are now moving to become a volunteer-run incorporated association. Since its establishment as an Advisory Group in 2019, the Rainbow Hub offered various programs, services, events, and activities for the LGBTI+ community aged 50+.
This move to independence allows Rainbow Hub SA to expand its focus on issues, audiences, and programs that we are passionate about. COTA SA is providing seed funding to support our evolution as an independent organisation.
As Jackie Wurm, outgoing COTA SA Rainbow Project Officer said “I am particularly proud of our achievements with the support of staff, the Advisory Group and other volunteers and partners which include:
• Connecting people with each other and information through our monthly lunches and other events
• Our monthly newsletter
• Silver Rainbow Training
• Rainbow Horizons – compassionate community project
• Rainbow Dog – mental health and wellbeing project
• Rainbow Rights – which will be continued by COTA SA over 2024. Our recent Rainbow Rights toolkit launch was a great event engaging over 80 participants.”
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