Reclaiming our histories / shaping our legacies

This year’s Feast Festival provided some great forums about queer history.

The LGBTQ Migrations Symposium hosted by Adelaide Uni, RMIT and History Trust SA featured US-based keynote speaker Dr Susan Ferentinos. She spoke of the importance of our cultural heritage which may save lives when people know of past struggles. Other academics, museum professionals and community members shared projects and perspectives. This included the importance of connections and need for networked mutual care.

On the Move  was launched the same day which weaves together accounts of 27 LGBTQ people who moved to Adelaide between 1950 and 2000. Using stories and objects, the online exhibition explores the many reasons – political and personal – that drew LGBTQ people to Adelaide and reminds us of the role that LGBTQ people played in the making of contemporary Adelaide. 

Dr Jess Pacella, Lecturer Creative Industries, UniSA Creative, presented at the Symposium on her research project: Lost Lesbian Spaces: The Archival Geography of the Lesbian and Queer Bar. It seeks to investigate and account for the lesbian and queer bar history of Adelaide (1970s-1990s) and to understand the political and cultural contributions of such social spaces. If you have any stories or photographs or other bar archival materials (flyers, tshirts, badges etc) that you think could contribute to this history email

Community members across generations filled Diverse-City to hear Life Stories of Older Lesbians. Excerpts were shared from the ongoing oral history project, spearheaded 15 years ago by Molly Claire and Sue McKinnon. You can go into the State Library SA to listen to them. Just ring first: 08 7424 6300; Toll free for regional SA: 1800 182 013. If you would like to be interviewed or interview others email:

Think about aspects of your history you’d like remembered and include it on your bucket list and in your will. See our Rainbow Memories Workshop tips for other ways you can contribute or find out more.