About Us

Rainbow Hub SA is a community-led incorporated organisation providing a voice for older LGBTI+ people in South Australia over 50.

Since its establishment as an Advisory Group to COTA SA in 2019, the Rainbow Hub offered various programs, services and activities for the older LGBTI+ community.

Much of the material developed can be found on the COTA SA website, including links below.

In 2017-2018 the LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Project engaged with older people from South Australia’s LGBTIQ communities to find out what mattered most to them as they age to better inform policy and create a groundswell for change to the policies that impact on the lives of older LGBTIQ people. The project also celebrated the lives and contributions of older LGBTIQ people and led to the formation of COTA SA’s Rainbow Hub.

In 2024, COTA SA changed direction and ended its Advisory Groups and the Rainbow Hub on 30 June.

When we were part of COTA SA we developed projects such as: Rainbow Horizons inclusive end of life care and planning / compassionate community project


Our proud history also includes:

  • contributing to submissions and advocacy via the COTA SA Policy Council, which continues
  • connecting people through our monthly lunches and other events
  • generating a tips sheet from our successful Rainbow Memories Workshop: Challenging invisibility and celebrating our histories
  • sharing information via a monthly newsletter
  • delivering Silver Rainbow Training (SRT) in partnership with LGBTI Health Australia to hundreds of organisations
  • sharing good practice via our SRT Community of Practice and creating resources such as Our Stories video about ageing in the LGBTI+ community.


We thank all the allies and organisations who partnered with us to create a successful legacy and continue to build on those connections.