
Rainbow Rights Toolkit

Rainbow rights are human rights, and this toolkit, launched in June 2024, identifies how older LGBTI+ community members can understand and action their rights, as well as providing information to the people who are part of their choices, supports and care.

COTA SA partnered with the South Australian Government’s Office for Ageing Well to develop this resource and build awareness of state initiatives that safeguard the rights of older people.

The toolkit is in the form of an interactive PDF and contains information under key human rights themes including: Overcoming discrimination, Housing, Health and Plan Ahead.

Silver Rainbow Training Community of Practice videos and printouts

Created when COTA SA had the Silver Rainbow Training contract for South Australia managed by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia

Questions of Care: the importance of managing hormones long term – In conversation with Dr Ana McCarthy

Making Our Practice More Inclusive: Part 1 Cris Davis Rainbow Hub

Making Our Practice More Inclusive: Part 2 Marianne Zanelli

LGBTI Care Perspectives

A Trans Man Perspective Zac Connell in Conversation

Rainbow Memories Matter

In March 2021, we were pleased to hold a Rainbow Memories Workshop: Challenging invisibility and celebrating our histories. While this initial event has now passed, the aim remains important. See the tips handout below for information about why it matters to preserve these memories and ideas of how you can.